
Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Monday, 18 May 2020

I am a Snowlake

I’m A Little Snowflake

Imagine you are a snowflake. Be creative in your imagination and write 10 or more lines thinking about:

What would you do? I would play .

What would you say? I would say hello or hi

How would you feel? and so on ……. I would feel cold and seek.

I am a Snowflake

Hi i am a snowflake. i am different because I like the warm and the others like the cold. but i don't like the cold because it is too cold. but I am so different because I like warm food and the others like cold food it is too cold for me .and it is too cold for my teeth and I am two two different because I like warm stuff and the other like cold stuff cold close and I like warm clothes so yeah I am different but we are the same but different that makes us special i like who I am not who you want me to be ok I like who I am and i am special inside and outsideI so i don't care if I'm different one day when I grow up I want to be the sun I will go to the Sand school so no one can tell me what to do or tell me what to be when I grow up so yeah I am different but that's what makes me special .

my covid-19 poster